Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Something New Here

Altotonga, Mexico -- Well, after an interesting few months, things are getting more interesting.

The kids are doing well with the transition. I think it's due to the fact that we've had a good transition the last few months. But they seem to be ok.

We've been talk a lot about various themes lately-- revolution, passion, unity. And I think God's getting ready to do stuff here--The point is, and what I'm trying to stress is that we have all these wonderful plans and ideas, but if God isn't anointing them, and if we aren't doing it for love of God, then it's nothing. A clanging cymbal. It's better not to do it.

I've been anti-routine lately... which for those who know me, I'm very routine oriented... or rather, I like stability and knowing what's going on. It doesn't have to necessarily be the same. But with youth, routine becomes religion easily and apathy sets it. I don't want routine or wildness in what we do-- I just want the reason why we do things to be our love and our passion for God. Christ has to be in the center, not me, not anyone or anything else. The Holy Spirit has to be what spurs them on. Sure, it's going to be different, and sure, there will be changes. But, that our burning love for Jesus and our unity as a group would be the thing that is the "coolest". I don't know, I think God's getting ready to do something big. But I'm just praying that they jump on the wave quickly. It's funny because the same things I've been feeling and even same ideas and same sections of Scripture that I've taught from have been confirmed in other people that I haven't talked to about it. Leaders are feeling the same impulse, saying the same things. There are various individuals that God is speaking the exact same thing to.

So, even in the midst of things that have been difficult here, God is showing that He's in control. We're on the brink of something, I feel it very strongly in me-- and I've been heavy in prayer about it. That's what leadership is about though, right? Taking the people along where God is leading. I'm excited to see where God is leading... So, my friends, the transition continues.

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