Wednesday, November 30, 2011

... Really?

OH boy.  More than 2 months since my last post?  I would not blame you for abandoning my blog. 

Let me tell you.  The last 2 months... Incredibly busy.

That probably doesn't need to be stated, but it makes me feel better.

And if it makes you feel better, I already decided on a New Year's Resolution... be a better blogger.  And not to let my inbox get clogged.

But it's just barely hitting December, so I still have a month to slack.  ;)

So... The last two months. 
Retreat, special outreaches, Seminar, lots of admin stuff, trip to America, got engaged, came back, more admin stuff, giving messages, lots of evaluations on getting things to keep accelerating at church, preparation for Christmas play and production, playing bass, reorganizing lifegroups... teaching English...

I don't think that's all, but briefly that's what's happened over the last few months and why I've been away from the blog world.  All these things require a significant amount of my attention too.

Well, it's 11:57pm as I write, and this is all I've got right now.  I think I'll try again next week. 

Sorry my friends.  Don't give up on me yet.   ... :)