Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I'm a REAL missionary!

Altotonga, Mexico -- Hey there friends!How are you?

Well, first let me say that yesterday I received my two-year evaluation and have completed the training program. So, as of yesterday, I'm a real missionary! Or rather, not in training anymore. However, I continue to learn and grow everyday. This does not make me all-knowing, haha.

So, last Saturday, I felt really moved of God to speak on the name of our building, Revolution. I really feel God wants to change, revolutionize and spark new life in the teens here. I really feel moved of that. So, I'm watching the horizons to see the rain cloud... not literally, however-- because they're always here.

This week is "Graduation Week", in which I'll go to about... 3 or 4 graduations, that are incredibly long. But, the kids will look for you-- and I'm proud of them for accomplishing this in their lives-- one out of 5 finishes high school here. And then, there's one graduation dinner tjat I've been invited to.

Next week, I'm starting a series with the core group of kids on focused and effective evangelism. I'm excited, though a little cramped for time in putting it all together. We're going to start at the beginning-- our salvation itself, what it means, the spirit-filled life, and Christ's command for us to evangelize and proclaim His message to everyone-- not just specific people. Not to give witness is to be disobedient. We are His witnesses. And after I get back from itineration up north, I'll start a course on discipleship-- how to disciple someone. For this, I already have material. So, that will not be too difficult.

I would just like to say how much I love these kids. They are so special, and I am honored to serve them.The Briles are moving in less than 2 weeks. It's weird to see their house get so empty. I met with the kids, I'm sorry-- teens-- on Sunday morning while ya'll were are church to plan the last Saturday that the Briles will be with us. It was a good planning session, complete with coffee and bread... and spastic 13-18 yr olds. That evening, we went to a meeting in Teteles, which is about a half-hour or so outside of Teziutlan.. so it was about an hour, or a little over, long trip. It was an outside meeting-- it wasn't too incredibly cold... maybe about 55-60. Definitely jacket-worthy. We got there at 4:30, and it started at 6. Typical. I think it was actually supposed to start at 5. And it went until 11pm. We were expecting to be back around 10 at the latest. But it was good. I got lost in some of the firey-preaching (not like Hell-fire... but rather... very passionate preaching) but that was because of the microfones-- that's always been a little tricky for me. And what did they preach on? Avivamiento-- or Re-awakening-- my translation falters at this moment to choose the correct word-- but anyhow, in other words-- Revolution. Spiritual revolution. And our good friend Paco was there. He had a really good message, and I wish I could put "really" in italics. I may have to use some of it... ;)Anyhow, more news to come later. I hope you guys are doing super and having great summer vacations with fam and friends. I'll be seeing you guys in August!

Prayer focus for this month: Transition/Revival!!!!!

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