Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Merry Christmas

Altotonga, Mexico -- Hey there! I just wanna wish you all a Merry Christmas! Sorry I've been MIA lately-- Everyone's in vacation mood around here... The brain just doesn't work.

Well, I'm going to be heading to one of the teen's house-- she invited me for the Christmas Dinner which is on the 24th. And if I am correct, I think I'm staying the night...?I gotta get. Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gone Missing: Me

Altotonga, Mexico -- Apparently. No, not really. Just a multitude of things to do around here. Things are in a constant state of change here, but we keep focused on the goal...

Well, in the last-- however many days since I've last written-- a lot of things have happened. There's been a lot of working with the kids-- dealing with their issues and helping them work through it. One girl who wants me to disciple her, which we're starting this week. Another girl who wants to get baptized, which is really cool. So, I have to talk to the pastor about that, because she wants me as her y.p. to do that. So, we'll see! That would be a spring-time activity, since we usually do it in the river... and I prefer not to die of hypothermia.

Also, crash coursing guitar. The need has come up for a guitar player... which I'm going to do what I can, but if not, well-- we'll see what can be done. It's not my first priority, but if I can help the kids out with this, then I will.

I've also been chatting with missionaries overseas-- particularly in Japan ;)... and they recommended to me to get this thing called a JR pass-- which when bought (it's for tourists, so you have to buy it outside of Japan) you can travel as much as you want for free. Even on some bullet trains! So, I'm going to get one for one week to see some of the rest of Japan-- in particular Kyoto, which has a rich history. I'd like to get to Osaka if possible, but we'll see. I was going to ditch the idea; but as I've read in many places, Tokyo doesn't represent all of Japan-- and since it is a scouting trip... Apparently there are some places in Mexico City that sell the passes (they're about $300 for a week-- which when you consider how much it costs to travel in Japan, this is a good deal!) so I'll make my way there at the end of this month to do the necessary purchasing.

Beside Kyoto, I'll spend most of my time in Tokyo (which is Kyoto, just with the letters rearranged!)... Tokyo is ginormous and there are a few missionaries that I'd like to meet and see their work, which doesn't happen in a half-hour meeting. I'm certainly excited for this trip-- I don't know if it can be said enough.

I've been counting the days since 60-- and we're down to 38 right now. Very slowly but surely we're getting there.Well, I need to get... there are quite a few things left to do today... people to meet with...So, until later!