Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beachside Fun

Altotonga, Mexico -- I'm back to being up and around-- though I'm still taking it slow. I still won't carry anything heavy or walk fast, but it doesn't hurt to walk down to the club anymore. Everyone down here has been so kind and actively helpful-- I'm very grateful for such an amazing team of youth that I have who were wonderful during the week I was down and Chris and fam were gone-- and for Chris and his family who have been very supportive and for Nathan, who the last couple of days has helped me out too. All you people are amazing!

Today we went to the beach. It was my first time taking kids on a trip where I was pretty much in charge... all the money and contacts with parents and counting heads while waves rushed up to the sand. Of course, Chris and Vonda were there too to help.

It was a good trip. I felt like a soccer mom-- last night I was packing my bags with first aid stuff for any possible disaster that could occur. I had 2 pair of clothes packed-- you know, if the youth decided to throw me in the water with my dry clothes on. And then today when I was very consciencious of how far everyone was out there.

Fortunately, I only needed to use the first aid stuff with myself-- nothing big... don't worry. But the youth had a blast-- so much so that it was a fairly quiet ride home-- that's saying something!! Of course, we had to be careful, there was a camcorder going around preparing for a video next Saturday night-- of us all sleeping.

Oh, and I won the lobster contest. That is, the contest to see who can possibly look like the cutest lobster at the end of the day. Yup, I won. I'm the cutest lobster. Well, I'm going to get to bed. I've had my salt intake for the day. My eyes are really tired, and I still feel like the waves are crashing into me (kinda like feeling like you're on an airplane after a 10 hour flight).

Oh, 2 pieces of news. #1-- My family comes in 10 days. #2-- hold your breath. Chili's is coming to Xalapa.

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