Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Inspector Gadget

Altotonga, Mexico -- What a long day it's been! I've been up and running since 7:30 this morning... and not with a break. Life is short, you have to take advantage of it! :)

Well, Nathan, our visitor (well, the Briles' visitor) left yesterday and we went to Veracruz. I took advantage of my day off (haha) and went with them. We didn't do too much, but it was so nice to get away from here for a few hours. I had Altotonga-fever... like cabin fever.

Today I talked with Chris and Vonda in our weekly business meeting about the decisions and goals and ideas and vision and how to carry that out for "taking over" the Club. Really, I'm just going to be the transitionary person. But in that, I want to see other things developed and a couple of ministries sprung up. And beside, transition is a job all in itself!

It's been the work of several months, praying, planning, writing. So, I presented this to the Briles and it seems like a great plan. We're going to talk to the Pastor of the local church and see what input and expectations he has and rework any details that may need to be reworked.

Other than that-- my rather big news for the week, I've met a few new people through my roomate-- people that she's working with. And I'm excited to develop those relationships and share Christ with them... though it may take a bit to get to that point.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Mexico City to pick up Tammy, who will be here for a week. I'm looking forward to spending time with her!Well, I am going to get. I think my hot water should be warmed up and then I'm going to shower and crawl in bed! It's been a long day, I've managed to catch a cold... and it should be a long travel day tomorrow. Fun times!!!By the way, I was trying to think of a title for this blog entry and Inspector Gadget came to my mind... so, that explains the title. What it doesn't explain is why that was running through my head... but that's a subject for another day...

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