Sunday, January 6, 2008

Akemashite Omedetou Gozaimasu!!

Altotonga, Mexico -- Ok, so I just realized how incredibly long it's been since I've posted anything on here!!! I'm so sorry! Well, let's update then.

Christmas came and went. I got a couple of packages which was really cool (A million thanks). A friend arrived (a visitor of the Briles) the day after Christmas. We always bantar (clearly in fun), and so it's been a bit fun to be that sarcastic American. :)

I would also like to note the amazing weather we had up till the end of the year.New Years-- whoa-boy. That was a good evening-- It was a safe place for the kids for the night-- and some of them who were complaining about the possibility of it being boring-- they had a great time that night. Of course, we spent some time praising God, evaluating our relationship with God at this point, and setting goals and hopes for the coming year! I sure have hopes for this year!

8am rolled around, we cleaned up and headed home!!! And about that time, a vicious cold front moved in. And for many days we have had ugly, ugly, ugly weather-- in the 30s and low 40s, rainy, foggy, misty, ick. Ok, I know you're saying, 30s and 40s?? That's nothing! But, wait now-- back home ya'll get to escape into your heated homes. In my house, it was between 40 and 45 degrees. Compare it to sleeping outside.

Thursday and Friday we took some time to go up to the Cofre of Perote, about 1.5 hours away from Altotonga-- to play in the snow-- and enjoy the absolutely beautiful view of the area (we were up about 14,000 ft.)

Last Saturday, our girls finished our dance piece that we are getting ready for the event in February. I've had increased interest in this class-- so I'm looking forward to how many more opportunities I'll have to share with girls come after the concert-- when the girls will have a great chance to present in front of a large crowd.I've been able to develop some great relationships and share Jesus with more and more youth.

I've had quite a few youth-- particularly the young ladies-- come to me for advice lately. I'm hoping to start a discipleship book with 2 other girls-- it starts out with salvation. So, please be praying for them.So, ya'll know I want to go to Japan, right? I've been doing a lot of research-- as I'm hoping to plan an explore/make contacts/learning trip in a year. I've also been studying Japanese and it's coming along pretty well. I really enjoy the challenge of it. By the way-- the title is Happy New Year but in Japanese.

Don't worry-- I haven't lost focus of what's going on here or why I'm here-- but God is awakening my heart to a new culture and a great need for His Name to be carried into a darkened country.Well, I wish you all the very best in this coming year! May you be blessed and may you come to know Jesus in a newer, fresher, and a more intimate way in this year! Could you really ask for more??

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