Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kitchen: Dealt With

Well, what an interesting few days! I have lots to tell you. On that note, I won't bother you with Thursday's activities except to tell you that we went prayer walking and then I spent hours catching up on all the things that I had to do but hadn't had time to do.

So, Friday! I ran over to Debbie's house in the morning to work on the dance piece for the evening's street performance (alas, it rained and we weren't able to go). Afterward, I went to Shinjuku where my school will be. Shinjuku is one of those places that makes you feel very small. I guess it's the equivalent of being in Times Square? I don't know, I've never been there, but that's my impression.

Anyway, Shinjuku is roughly 20 minutes by express train from my stop, and then it's about a 15 minute walk, maybe 10 if your legs are longer than mine, which they probably are. But for me, it's about 15 minutes. I went there with Mark and talked with the admin people, or I guess anyhow. But it was pretty intimidating and the girl when she started off just like spoke with SUPER speed in Japanese and my head was reeling. My stress level jumped a little bit.

But there was a girl to do some translation and then I had a quick interview in Japanese where they asked me some questions. I'll still end up going in the beginner's class, even though I answered all the questions, but I'm actually happy about that. So, we talked about classes and cancellation/extention of classes, etc. It should be pretty easy to deal with. Afterward, I went to a kanji class while Mark visited all the teachers (he graduated two years ago). The kanji (picture words) is a self-study class from 12:30-1 where you study the kanji and then have 2 tests... one where you write the reading... for instance 四 is pronounced yon (and it means four). And then another test where you'd do it the opposite and the teachers help you along if you get something wrong on the test. So, I will definitely be taking advantage of that.

So, anyway, class will start from 8:50am to 1pm, everyday. Monday I go for a "trial class" for an hour... I guess to make sure that I'm sure I want to do this, and then pay them all my money, ha! But, actually, yeah, it is pretty steep. I need to go for a year, so I'm praying that finances will be available for it, because I really really do want to learn.

Also, on my way over there on train, I got a gift from Mark and Yuiko! A stamp with my last name in katakana (the Japanese script for foreign words)! I was so excited and I've shown it to everyone, because now I feel more Japanese. Anyway, it had to be special ordered, and I need one to open a bank account here, which I need to do for a class that I'm teaching as a way of direct deposit.

Anyway, like I said, I was really excited. So, after grabbing a bite to eat in Shinjuku, I headed back on train like 25 minutes (on the rapid express this time :) to teach my other English class at a coffee shop. I really enjoy this class, but I was particularly excited this week because as I was preparing for it on Thursday night, I learned something about English: how the order of adjectives goes. You know how when people start describing something and they list like a million words and it just sounds wrong if someone says something in a different order? Well, I learned the order for it on Thursday evening, and I was really excited as I tested it out for myself to see if the book was right.

It was.

So, afterward, I ran to a store real quick in that area and then went back to the church for our prayer time for the FUSE and people going and different needs that we have. We had a meal together after that and then was the Fuse band practice, which I took part of this week since I'm played the bass on Saturday and will play in two weeks' time. I was kinda nervous about it, because I wanted to do well, and because everyone else is just soooo good. So, I practiced really hard and was a good Japanese. :) Practice went pretty well, and I earned myself a blister, as I was running out of blisterless fingers to play on.

Afterward, I hung out with Saki, Yoshi, Tom and Christine was there too. And we all just sat around and chitchatted but we had good talks about baptism and about the ups and downs of your walk with God. I made it home around 11:30 at night and was so tired.

Saturday was the Fuse and we did street performance during the day beforehand and handed out flyers and invited people. The band did pretty well, but I didn't do such a good job with the icebreaker game... it was clear to me what I was saying, but I don't think I made complete sense to everyone else. Anyway, that went over and then Debbie gave the message for the last time.

Afterward, we had supersmall groups and it was pretty cool in that we were: me (American), my roommate So (Korean), Fabiana (Brazilian) and Kaori (Japanese)... Between us, we spoke 4 languages, and it was a lot of fun. I led the group and whatever I said in English, then afterward, I would say it in Spanish to Fabiana (the two languages are understandable between each other), and at the same time So-chan would translate it for Kaori-chan. So, we had a great time talking about "connecting with God", since the message was on John 15. We were able to really encourage one another, but praying took a while afterward, since we translated the prayers because Kaori wanted a a translation (she's still on her way with a decision).

In the evening, after I got home around 7:30, I kinda chillaxed and got some more stuff done and then talked to my family via skype. Then... then. I got to sleep, and it was so nice.

Well, this week, I'll tell you from the start I don't know how much blogging I'll get to do. I'll be leaving my house around 7:30 everyday and won't get home until about 10 each night, with the exception of tomorrow. But, it's going to be a very long week- since there's a conference to go to, and then straight into Fuse activities over the weekend. So, pray for energy for me, and I'll get back to ya'll just as soon as I can.


  1. Janine, I'm so happy you seem so happy in Japan! I love reading your blog every few days and keeping up with you're up to there! Praying for you always! Love you lots, my sweet girl! Aunt Chrissy

  2. you'll have to post a pix of your stamp! try to get some rest this week and I'll be praying for your energy and that you don't get sick :) I have a web cam now, hope to get a microphone soon and we'll have to skype!! Love ya!
