Wednesday, November 5, 2008

First Night

Altotonga, Mexico -- Well, what about that, eh? I've been watching all about what's going on in the States from down here. In fact, there are 2 stories tonight: a plane carrying a Gov. Secretary crashed in Mexico City and the election results in the States have been on the news since about 7pm-- they would come on announcing who had won what states! It was funny to watch it all down here.

Saturday was the kids' first night leading almost all. They took care of most responsibilities, did the announcements, the lesson, praise and worship-- everything. And they did a very good job. I was very happy to see it all. The young lady who gave the teaching-- it was her first time, but it was very good-- very visual, very to the point, true-- and captured their attention. They connected with the youth-- and that is a very important part.

Their theme for this month is Don't keep your mouth closed (sounds better in Spanish)-- Raise your Voice! And they're talking about it in different aspects each week-- evangelism, praise and worship, etc. Lately, it's a lot of giving "tools" to them in all aspects-- because there are a lot of things to consider in ministry. Yesterday I went to the doctor in another city. A girl had hugged me last week and picked me up while doing it and cracked my back several times. And since then I've had a significant amount of pain-- enough to make me take it easy but certainly not to keep me in bed. The doc checked everything and said it was a stretching of the nerve? I've never heard of that. My guess is-- she pinched a lot of nerves in my back (he pointed to like 4 or 5 sets), and somehow that affects the muscles, blah blah blah. So, no washing laundry by hand, no carrying heavy things, take it easy, take care of myself, pain meds and no being in the cold.What?!? When we told the doc I live in Altotonga (we were in another city), he just kinda paused and was like-- well, keep a lot of layers on, stay warm.

Today I was able to get a lot of stuff done... A lot of business type stuff... as well as studied Japanese, got bus tickets for Friday, took my laundry to the laundromat (where they will wash and dry it for me), visited a lady for a few minutes that I haven't seen in a while, went to the post office, taught an English class, made lunches for the week, went to a meeting where the other person forgot we were going to have a meeting (and therefore it was cancelled, so I came back home and finished up my businessy stuff, and read an article about a serious issue that it looks like I'll be dealing with with a teen.

I don't know why I just wrote all that-- it doesn't make a big difference, but it was a really productive day, especially since yesterday, I didn't do what I had planned on doing.

Tomorrow will be an equally busy day (and Thursday even more so)-- more people-oriented though, where as today was mostly a business day. Tomorrow, it's seeing people and discipleship, and leader stuff and trying to talk to that teen. Friday is the beginning of the WIM Mexico Conference. It's in Fortin de la Flores, which is about 3 hours away, but it'll end up being about 5 or so hours by bus. I'm looking forward to it-- It's a time where all of us who are working in different parts of Mexico get together, worship God, pray, and of course, learn more about the Word. This year's theme is "Adapting our Ministries to New Challenges" (or something to that effect)-- and it's incredibly relevant to all of us, and most especially to me. I was asked to speak at the Women's Tea (where we get chocolate... and American snacks that you can't get here) and I'll be speaking on Appreciating the Challenge. I might also share a little of my testimony and that. But this was a theme that I felt God wanted me to speak on and when I sat down to write it out, it developed rapidly. I really like the conferences... it's like a big family reunion, lots of catching up, hugs, and it does feel like a family. This will be my last Mexican one-- as I'll be going to the Asian ones afterward-- starting in January!

Well, I need to get... My fingers and toes are pretty cold and I'd like to do a little more reading before heading to bed...Take care all!

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