Saturday, February 9, 2008

How many missionaries does it take to screw in a lightbulb

Altotonga, Mexico -- It's been a fairly normal week, which I am happy for. Last Sunday morning, I went down to the Club to paint over the white humidity stains that I had acid washed a couple of weeks ago. I painted over it. A couple of days later, it came back. So, I'm going to have to acid wash it again and then put a sealer over the walls and then repaint. So, that's my project for tomorrow morning. But I have to wait a couple of days between each step.

In other news, you could so make fun of me for this-- but Chris taught me how to put in a light bulb yesterday. Haha... no- it's just that I have to climb up a tall ladder, and it's a... halogen? I don't remember-- but you can't touch the bulb. And then I have to screw the light fixture back together. What a fun project. My favorite part was when Chris said to me-- ok, now come down a step and wait while I go turn the light on--and don't look at the bulb in case it explodes. That's a lovely thought 20 feet up on a ladder.

Other than that, we continue praying a lot and figuring out details for the event in 2 weeks. More on that before the event. And then I'm trying to get things together for being up in the States for a week! I'm excited!

Tonight in the youth meeting, we had several visitors from a church in Perote-- a half hour from here. They're going to come to the concert here in 2 weeks-- and then they wanted to invite us to an event that they're having in May. They're inviting all kinds of churches and stuff to participate in contests for dance groups, I think mime, singing, and all kinds of things... I'm excited for this. We're going to start our next round of dance classes after the concert-- but near the end of March. I wanted to give them the opportunity to present like we're going to do in this event-- but I didn't know what it was going to be.

This will be great-- as well as to be able to introduce them to more Christians and get a wider network. It works in many different ways. Who cares about winning-- I don't even remember what they said about winning. But it will be great inspiration for them. Right now we're working on mime pieces for the missions trip to Oaxaca that will take place in March. We're doing the ever-famous David and Goliath piece that I learned in the Centre and then I choreographed a piece about Jonah. It's pretty cool. We're going to present those next week during the Saturday night meeting-- as well as the dance girls-- they're going to present.Well, it's Saturday night. And my general tradition is to clean my share of the house. So, I'm going to get to that. Have a great weekend and will be seeing many of you a few weeks!

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