Sunday, November 14, 2010

AHHHHHHHHH~ Good Things!

Dundundun!!  Good news everyone!

Last week, Mark met up with a guy who has been going to FUSE since September.  We really felt that he was open to Jesus, and were excited to see what was going to happen.  He seems to be a really popular guy, have lots of friends, and is amazing at talking to strangers, whether he's going us on street band or in FUSE.  Anyway, Mark caught up with him, and explained the Gospel simply, and Tomo decided he wanted to follow Jesus!

Praise God!  It's excited to see somebody take that step of belief!  He apparently, a while ago, wrote a blog on one of the social networking profiles here in Japan.  Yuiko read it and told us about it.  He had written about how excited he was about FUSE and getting to know this Jesus.  He knew that it wasn't just a religion, but really a relationship.  He also was grateful for feeling a part of the community of FUSE Jesus Community.  I don't remember how many, but Yuiko mentioned that he had an impressive amount of friends on there, and he wasn't afraid to post this blog even though he hadn't yet decided to follow Jesus at that point.

Also, we have a new girl (well, lots, but one in particular) coming to FUSE who joined my lifegroup last night.  She does understand a lot of English, but at the same time, she can have a hard time speaking it, so mostly I spoke in Japanese.  Anyway, we talked about Jesus and did a Bible study worksheet on who Jesus is.  It's really simple and good.  She was really into the Bible study, it seemed.  Afterward, I let her keep the New Testament that I gave her to use during the study.  It's bilingual.  She had this look on her face of, really?? :D  Lizzie and I had talked about what we learned in our journalling time this week, and I said, if you'd like to do that, please do, because I always feel great after doing it! 

I told her some books to start in~ either Mark or John~ and she looked them up in the index, and looked up the page number and looked up with this huge look of joy on her face and was like, I'll do it!

I was really excited, because she seemed to understand what was going on... though there were a few things that she didn't understand (like temptation and sin).  She also talked about how the words of the "Jesus Song" really touched her heart, and made this gesture of how it seemed to cut through into her heart.  So, I think she will be meeting Jesus soon too! 

Things are on the move here!

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