Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Small Town World

Altotonga, Mexico -- I would first like to mention how gloriously wonderful it is outside. There is not a cloud in the sky... It's not hot, but the sun is warm.

Well, it's been a bit busy lately. This last Sunday was the last Sunday at the church location... it's now moved into the Club. Chris has reconfigured all the wires and stuff like that and moved the downstairs office upstairs. Today, I'll be getting a how-to on running the new sound system (or rather, the other sound system).

And I've spent quite a few hours painting at the Club. Pictures hopefully to come soon. It's pretty cool.So, this week the Club is closed. Mostly because Porfirio (the middle school closest to us) is closed on Thursday for all saints day and then day of the dead on Friday. How exciting.

Normally we get many, many kids from Porfirio-- I'd say around 200 different kids will pass through--actually, I'd move that up to about 300... they have two sessions to their school-- those who go in the morning 7-1:20; and those who go in the afternoon/evening.We've had a big growth in the number of kids from Eba... the high school just down the street. It's grown about 100% I'd say in this last year... and we have more girls coming! woo-hoo! So, we're excited about that, and we're excited to see where the new changes will take us.

Next week, I'll be going to Mexico City for a youth leaders' conference. I went last year, and it was amazing. So, we'll be taking a few youth there and will learn how to be better youth leaders!By the way, I have a phone line in my house now. That is a very exciting development. It only took about 6 weeks, but hey, it's in!

The big event today is that Aurrera opened. Aurrera is like a supermarket-- and it's the first "big" thing here. Which I suppose means that Altotonga is growing. But, we're hoping that they may have frozen turkeys so we don't have to go to Xalapa (an hour and a half away) for a turkey for Thanksgiving. So, I'm going to go check that out today-- it's been the talk of town for a few months now.

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