Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Janine's Ark

Altotonga, Mexico -- Hey all... Hey, I just realized it's Sept. 11. Wow.

Well, not to pass that on by, but I have short time today. It's been a busy... and rather.. interesting day. :) By the way, the thing about the Janine's ark is that it's been raining so much lately-- I was considering building myself an ark to get to church on Sunday.

Last week I had my weekly one-on-one discipleship meeting with my roommate and she was talking about how lately people had been asking her what she was-- if she was a Christian or not. And she said that she wasn't sure how to answer, because she thought that the name Christian was something that you needed to be worthy of... and she compared it to like a gold medal or something like that. So, I asked her a few questions aout what was most important, if she wanted to be like Christ and that.

I explained to her about Christian meaning little Christ and that if she was living it and He is her Lord, then she could call herself a Christian. You should have seen the smile on her face. And she was like, woo-hoo! (almost laughing) I'm a Christian!

On other notes, tomorrow I'm going to go visit a family that I've been working with out in a little rancho called Orilla del Monte. Last week when I went to visit, I got some questions about Christianity from the family of Rosita, who is now a Christian. This was a first, and an open door... so I'm excited and am waiting to see what God is going to do in their lives.

Thursday I'll run the Club as Chris has to go to Mexico City to see about his FM3 (residency visa).

And this Saturday we'll celebrate Mexican Independence Day and have a pizza party in the club (we make the pizza from scratch).

Well, I need to get... the day is still not over and there are a few more things to be taken care, and a prayer meeting.
Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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