Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mexican Experiences

Altotonga, Mexico -- What a week it's been! My mom and two of my bros are here with me. It's been fun having them here. I like that they get to play with some of the youth and hang out and that. Friday night, in fact, the boys were playing basketball with some youth out on the cancha (basketball court) and Mike landed wrong and ended up tearing the ligaments in his ankle, and possibly had up to 2 fractures (tiny little ones). But he couldn't really walk and it was swollen ugly.

Saturday I toted him and Mom around and we went to experience the "Mexican hospital experience." The doc told us what's mentioned above. And Saturday night at the meeting, we had the Lord's Supper and prayed for those who had some kind of physical ailment. We prayed for Aaron, who within not long was perfectly fine. And we prayed for Mike, whose ankle was completely healed. And Chris, who had been suffering from the start of a kidney stone, was healed that night too. Praise God! There were others there who we prayed for, but I haven't heard what happened.

Anywho, I had shared with the core group before the meeting a verse in Habaccuc about God doing His works of old today. And we prayed for God's presence and passion and for things to happen. And, what do ya know?-- it did. The prayer time right before the meeting, I felt, was really powerful, and you could hear it in some of their prayers.

On Sunday, someone threw eggs at the Club door-- which had just been freshly painted by Nathan a week ago. That was fun to clean up. I wasn't too concerned with it-- I know it wasn't the first time and it certainly won't be the last time. Monday, I took the fam and Nathan to Coatepec and to Xalapa-- where I managed to wipe everyone out. It wasn't the prettiest of days, but it was fun, and I think everyone had a great time. We met up with my roommate (who is from Xalapa and Coatepec and who was there on work) and so we went all around and made lots of... memories. Sometimes we laughed so hard we thought we might burst.

And today, beside doing errand-running and stuff like that, well... and my normal Tuesday discipleship with Zuri and English class (which-- Lupe is teaching mom how to make garnachas-- in English), I'm going to be studying.So, that's what I'm going to get to doing right now. I need to finish my Japanese lesson and then to working on the licensing process for 4sq. Woo-hoo!So, Praise God and have a great day!

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