Sunday we all took a trip to the beach! The beach was crowded, but it was a lot of fun! We played volleyball in the Pacific, threw and smeared wet sand all over one another, and dunked each other in the salty water. Of course, being FUSE, we made new friends and invited them to play in the ocean with us and to play our watermelon smashing game. At the end of the day, most people came home a little [lot] pinker, and exhausted, but we had a lot of fun. (here, that mountain trying to hide in the backgroud is Mt. Fuji... it was my first time to see Fuji-san!)

Tuesday evening... well... interesting. I went to Sagamiono at 5 to meet my roommate and another girl from FUSE for what I thought was going to be coffee. I saw my roommate, sat down to talk with her, and then the other girl picked us up in her car. There, we found out we were going to the beach to a restaurant, which neither of us were aware of. The place where we were going, was of course, an hour away. (props go out to Mike, who looks like a sure cheerleader in this picture)
Surprise was a good word for it. But anyhow, we made it to the spot, right on the coa

st, at sundown. There, at a Mexican restaurant (loosely categorized), we sat at a table next to wooden and rustic looking open windows overlooking the ocean, and where you could see the lights on the other side of the island that stuck out. It was very dimly lit, and overall a very cool experience. We had the opportunity to talk about relationships, things God was doing, our families, etc. (at the end of the day, our group was 7 [plus one not pictured] bigger than when we started!)

if you think of it, please pray for the exchange rate. The dollar is now the lowest it's been in 15 years, which means that I'm not getting a good exchange at all. So, for me, it's as if the prices are going up, up, up. So, with everything, it makes it a little difficult, but just pray for me, if you think of it. As it were, I've been working pretty hard at pinching pennies (is it too cheesy to say "yen-nies"?... maybe.)
Will catch ya'll later!! (this is Yuiko and I, and how we felt after a long day at the beach!!)
nice tan! the mountain is so pretty :) glad you're getting a week off and having fun!