At the service desk, Mark explained to the customer service guy that the shutter was not working properly. He asked if I had dropped it, and I answered no. The camera itself answered for that: it was still in perfect condition. I prepared to surrender it for a week or less to have it fixed, and then return to receive it. I've heard how amazing customer service is here in Japan. (Mark preaches here and Yuiko, his wife, translates on Sunday, August 22!)
Well, I was very, very wrong. The guy walked out with a camera box, opened it, took out a brand new camera, stuck my battery in it, turned it on and handed it over to me.
That's right, folks. I got a brand new camera. It appears they will fix my camera and then resell it, because like I said, it still looked brand new with not a scratch on it.
Sunday, we had the FUSE service in the new location and with the new time (Sunday instead of Saturday)!! (Here, Kengo and our friend Akio joins us. Akio hasn't been able to come because of work for about six months, but with the change to Sundays, it looks like he be coming again! Praise God!)
Praise God we had very few problems. Things went incredibly smooth, and there was no rushing and trying to figure it out at this new place. Our biggest concern was the sound levels, and whether we would be disturbing the department store beneath us. But, praise God, there were no problems. And it seems like management liked us too!! We prayed for favor, and God showed it to us!!!
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