Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Night Off

Tonight is a special night off for me.  Well, not special, I suppose.  I usually do lifegroup on Wednesday nights with Yuiko and Naomi.  But Yuiko wasn't feeling good, and I was feeling pretty terrible as I had a cough, a cold, and I think a stress rash coming up. (FUSE last Sunday)

School was a little bit like torture today, as I sat with my coat all buttoned up, super tired and wanting just to lay down, but sitting through class.  I barely made it through and came home to sleep pretty solidly for 2 hours.  I had been trying to decide, should I take off school tomorrow or go?  And I kept going back and forth because we have a big test next week that I need to study for- particularly at school-, but this weekend is also full with a promise to take the group visiting to Kamakura or some place like that, and then a FUSE party for getting to know the team (and really, for us to form more relationships with people from FUSE and people new to FUSE), and FUSE on Sunday.  I eventually stuck with going to school tomorrow...

Anyway, after some messages talking about lifegroups, Yuiko and I decided we had better spend tonight recovering.  And so, I am trying to take it easy, do a little studying and then head back to bed.

If you think about it, please be praying for the dollar to go up.  When I first got to Japan, it was about 91 yen to the dollar.  Today, it's 81.  That's a pretty significant drop, when you notice that it's about a 10% drop.  So, I think if you do the math, it's like a $100 difference for every $1000.  So, even though the same amounts are being given, effectively it's a drop for me when I withdraw it in yen- I have to live off less money. 

Well, I don't want to talk about money, and that's not a beg for money.  But, if you would pray for the dollar to increase, I would really appreciate it.

Last Sunday, we had 32 people, and 13 new people (including the team of 4 who are here from America).  We were missing a few regulars, but, amazing!  9 non-American new people!  A lot of them joined lifegroups afterward.  My lifegroup was 7 people, 5 of whom had never been to lifegroup before.  And what's more-- they spoke mostly (only) Japanese.  So, we talked about the message, and it was a good introduction to what lifegroup is like, sharing life and talking about Jesus and the Bible.  Saki was a great help in that, translating for me when I did need it.  But as of yet, we need more Japanese leaders who are ready to lead lifegroups!  So, please be praying for us!  This week went well, and we want to see more growth, but we need more "ready leaders"!

I was pleased with it, and for Sunday night and Monday, the girls attending my lifegroup were all about leaving comments about how awesome FUSE was, and they had a great time and want to come back and get more involved!  So, praise God!  People are taking steps (among the guys too, great stories) to know God more, and we are excited!

Well, I should probably study now, but I thought I'd share this good news with you!

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