It's amazing that in the year 2010, with Japan as an open country to the Gospel, it remains as the second largest unreached people group in the world. In fact, looking at world missions, Japan, though in the 10/40 window, isn't even on most people's radar for sending the Good News of Jesus.
The Japanese say the nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Others say, the Japanese are not open to the Gospel. One Christian pastor in Japan recently found a book in a Christian book store about how a move of God is not possible in Japan and the reasons why.
It makes me angry that someone would take the time to write that about the Japanese people when they could be using that time to do something about it! Beside, that person obviously is not doing their research-- right now, the church in Japan is growing faster than it has in the history of Japan. NOW is the time for Japan!
True, we're still small. But, Japan is a great country and the Japanese are open to the Gospel! And while it may take a very long time to see someone make a decision for Christ, the Japanese make excellent and faithful disciples, many times despite persecution and pressure from their family.
It's time to start reaching the new generation of Japan! Right now, of that 0.4% of people who have heard and believed the message of Christ, 80% of those attending a church are over the age of 60. That means that in the next 10-20 years, the church is going to die away if something isn't done about it.
That's why it's so important to be reaching out to this younger generation that is looking for something real! The Japanese are open to the Gospel, it just takes time and patience to see the fruit of it. But, God is starting to do something in Japan. You can see it in FUSE-- God stirring hearts of young people... You can see it in Jesus Lifehouse, the fastest growing church in Japan with over 1000 members in its 8 year history... you can see it in conversations with new friends being made-- who is this Jesus? What is it that you believe? Why are you so nice?
They just need the opportunity to hear. How will they believe unless someone tells them? Now is the time for Japan. Now is the time to share with a searching generation. Now is the time for the church to become established and outward-looking in and all over Japan!
Now is Japan's time.
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