Well, I'm sure you have the gist of things in my life: getting ready for Japan (I almost wrote Mexico!) ha. Japan!
It's about 3 weeks to go, and I still have things to figure out... OH! I just realized-- I need to get my tetanus shot. See-- things like that! There are millions of them that pop up in my head and disappear and then reappear in a few days.
So, you get the gist. But I wanted to blog about something that I've been thinking about lately.
Proverbs continually talks about learning from wisdom and getting guidance. Now, I have been very unwise [read: foolish] at many times in my life, and could definitely use some wisdom and guidance so that I don't fall into the same mistakes and can AVOID other ones.
1:32 says, "For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them"
The last part of that verse is particularly what has struck me-- the complacency of fools will destroy them.
It seems like complacency/apathy is a big issue to be dealt with in the States. I hear it a lot from people talking about themselves, about "in general", and from my own personal observation.
Complacency can kill us. Ok, maybe we know that. But what about being called a fool? Ouch. Isn't it true though? Fools are complacent. Fools don't care. Fools are lazy, and often misinformed (or negligent of the real information readily available to them).
Anyway. That verse struck me particularly as I've been thinking about the way I hear the Word.
When I sit down and watch tv, I listen, I pay attention... sometimes, many times, I do other things while watching tv. I laugh. I look up at the serious parts. Suspenseful parts make me tense up and hold my breath.
And then, the show is over. I turn the tv off, get up and go. The show hasn't changed my life. I may have learned a fact I didn't know before, but I'd say 99% of the time, I haven't learned anything that would really change my life or the way that I go about my life.
I'm the same.
Sometimes I feel that way about when I hear a message. I sit back, I listen... oh wow. Oh, that's good. Funny story. Ok, show's over. Get up. Leave.
I've let the relaxed, complacent, apathetic way of watching tv translate into the way that I approach other things in my life.
NO! The Word of God is not like a tv show or a theater production. It has more weight! It has value: "for attaining wisdom and discipline; for understanding words of insight; for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young-" (Pr. 1:2-4) It is LIFE... not a production on stage to entertain me.
So, I've been challenging myself to really think on... meditate on... listen to the message, and to make sure that that changes the way I go about my life- and the way that I see things.
I think it's really sad when I can't remember what I heard spoke about on Sunday... when I can't name ONE thing I got out of a particular study.
It's a sign that whatever that particular thing was wasn't THAT important to me.
I'm not saying that I need to memorize the messages or constantly remember what exact thing I got out of what particular message... but I DO want to make sure that I am actively seeking wisdom and guidance out of the Scriptures, and finding something that God is speaking to me out of everything given in a message or passage.
I don't want to read the Word or go to church like I watch tv. I want to be purposeful about going to church and reading the Word!
I don't want to be destroyed by complacency and let laziness and lack of discipline destroy the things God has planned for me.
It's all part of that pursuit that I was talking about. Laziness... apathy... will not get use nearer to the heart of God.
Anyway, I challenge you now! This wasn't just an entertaining blog entry, but did you read it that way? Skimming, "oh that's nice" kinda paying attention... maybe? Ok, not? :) Have you been "watching tv" at church-- not really letting anything sink in... just sitting back relaxed and lazed (if that's a word), like you do on your couch?
Let's pursue God and His heart. Let's draw near to God and have His Word planted in our hearts. Let's meditate it and turn it over in the soil of our hearts so that it will produce fruit in our lives!
I'm not talking about a "do it yourself"- "work at it" type of approach. The Holy Spirit is the One who will give us insight, open the Scriptures to us, and produce fruit in our lives.
However, if we don't make it a point to prioritize and make it a point the importance of the Word in our life, then we're not giving God an opportunity to work in us, are we?
When we show that we are purposeful, desirous, hungry for learning from God and letting Him work these things into us-- amazing things will happen.
It's not about us working or doing chores. It's about pursuing God and not being a casual/complacent reader/listener. It's the difference between being a spectator and a participator.
Honestly, it's the difference between destruction and life-construction.
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