Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My brother is already making plans for my room... again.

SOOOOOOOOOO. There's a lot going on in my life, which includes praying. I'll get to that in a minute.

As most of you know, the Macy's that I work at announced its liquidation last week. The latest that we'll be open is the first week of March, though I'm predicting a shorter time to stay open. We'll see.

I actually like my job. I really do. But I'm not really concerned about the store closing, because I was planning on quitting in March anyway, if it didn't close. Now, I just don't have to quit, and with all the stuff going on at the store, I have plenty of hours, which I need.

BUT. But we have this consultant in from the liquidation company. Suffice it to say, she's not a pleasant person. She may be the "quitting factor" of half the people at my store BEFORE D-day. ONE lady came in and turned our pleasant work space upside down.

Interesting how that can happen. But as it is, it pulls that deep attitude out of me of-- Just watch, I'm going to go ABOVE and beyond what you're asking me to do, just because you're provoking me.

Anyway, just to let you know, I'm $460 (monthly support) away from my goal of being able to leave for Japan. My goal date for that commitment is at the end of January... Please pray with me!

I need to get. My bed time was 15 minutes ago.

PS. Michael, my little tall (he would here add: dark and handsome) brother, adds his plumsplotch right here: >>>>>(bloop)<<<<<<

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