Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Decisions and December

Today, driving home from dropping off my little big brother at work, I wondered... which day is it???

It took me a while to figure it out, and I did by remembering that Japanese class is Mondays, and I didn't do it last night-- so it had to have been two days ago, thus making today Wednesday.

A bit scary when it gets to that point, isn't it?

So, 2009 is just about over. In fact, right now, I'm watching Christmas in Rockefeller Plaza, which reminds me that Christmas (and thus, the New Year) is indeed right around the corner... even though yesterday it was 60 degrees.

It doesn't feel like December at all.

So, a couple of weeks ago, I made a decision to put off Japan for a little bit-- because I am not financially able to get there yet. As much as I'd like to head off in January, I realize that it would be irresponsible to leave without having my budget at least close to set.

So, I mentioned setting April as my next aim, and the team said, how about March?


I said, ASAP. :)

On that note, please, please pray for me as I'm working on this. I'm taking a look at the budget again, to see where I can cut back, so to speak. There's a balance however between doing it yourself by budgeting and having faith for God to provide. Like I said, it would be irresponsible to go without sound backing.

So, please pray as I look for at least the next $1500 monthly support.

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