Monday, September 7, 2009

The Camping Chronicle

So I bought a book for China yesterday, what did you do?

I visited Gracepoint church yesterday, and they were talking about China. The young lady who was presenting about it, a wonderful one that I happen to know, said something at the end-- We may be giving a few dollars to further the cause, but they are giving their lives to further the cause. I was like, wow. So many are! It makes a sacrifice of a few dollars (and in these days, those dollars can seem like quite a sacrifice) seem small. Not insignificant, but rather... more easily to give when you see and hear their stories.

We went camping this weekend for Labor Day. It was a full weekend with friends who accompanied us. On the way down there, we were all excited and ready to go... it seemed like the perfect weekend! The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, and we were ready to lay out in the sun... or at least the female portion of us were.

So, we got the trailer all set up and the cars unpacked and the tent set up. Dinner was cooked (pizzas on the pit! and they were good) and we hung around talking pretty loudly.

Then came the rain. Oh, it'll just pass. Well, it did pass. 14 hours later! The tent didn't even get used that evening and we all just crammed into the camper, boys sleeping on the floor and girls on the fold-out couch.

Even that turned out to be pretty funny, and the whole weekend we had a great time. There were garage sales going on in the area, so we went to some of them, and as well to Walmart (because it wouldn't be a complete camping trip without going to Walmart and the grocery store).

I suppose it doesn't sound so much like camping anymore. But, camping it was.

Anyhow, I came home early to go to church and rode back that evening with my grandma who wanted to go down and have dinner and sit by the fire. Then came home again so that I could get some stuff done today which included laundry and digging out some "Altotonga clothes".

I hope I haven't forgotten how cold it is there! I've packed layers to go and have emailed everyone to say, I'm coming! Hope to see you! Now all that is done and I just have tomorrow to go--

Tomorrow which happens to be a pretty packed day! There is small group in the morning, picking up some garage sale stuff, hanging out with a friend that I made in Japan (!), and Japanese class in the evening. Then it's get to sleep as quickly as possible because there are flights to catch at the crack of dawn.

Meanwhile, I'm going to bed. I'm tired from this long day and long mental to-do lists that I'm constantly trying to keep track of.

Buenas noches!

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