Friday, May 8, 2009

Where is Home?

Oklahoma City, OK -- So, this really HAS been a multicultural week. I'm with Em and Jose still, and it's been enjoyable, as I fully expected it would be. I've met some of her friends and we've had food from all over the world and talked about experiences from all over the world and watched "cultural" movies... I feel globalized.We had some good talks last night about all kinds of things and it was thought provoking. You all know how much I like to think. :)

AND in thinking about everything that has to do with coming back to the states, I am AMAZED at the faithfulness God has shown. Even when you look at how the moving date got moved up a couple of weeks... I moved out like the day that Mexico City was shutting down, and was starting to get talked about... and JUST as it became a big deal in the States.

These very friends that I'm staying with now, well, they were thinking about coming to visit me, and had to cancel back in March time for other reasons (they didn't buy tickets or anything), and well, God arranged everything. It would have been very bad for them to be there with a baby as all this flu is going around.

What about transportation for me? Someone gave my family a free car!

What about communication? Someone (I'm not sure if they want to be mentioned) is giving me their phone since they just got an upgrade. I remember... as my mom just told me this evening about this all... that I commented to this person a year or so ago how much I liked their phone! Who would have imagined? God!

I'm just amazed, and feel humbled by the faithfulness and goodness of God. In small things, in big things, in everything God shows Himself faithful. And I am grateful.

Speaking of grateful, today we had an experience. As Em and I were chi-laxing (as my brother would say), Em's little boy, who is teething, got ahold of the digital forehead thermometer (I never knew there was a such thing) and swallowed a small piece on it. This thing got lodged in his throat and he began choking and Em couldn't get it out. We were both praying and Em called 911, after it wouldn't come out and she couldn't reach it... and somehow, he just swallowed it all. Meanwhile, I think we were both like sweating, and when they showed up, the baby was just smiling, and had fun pulling at all the wires they stuck to him to make sure everything was alright. As it is, the piece was small enough that they think it'll just pass through, but I am thankful that Jesus was there with us, and that HE protected that little one's life.

Well, tomorrow my mom shows up here... and I know Em and Jose are happy to see her again and she'll be happy to see them too.

Tonight... or tomorrow, as it's a bit late now, I need to organize my stuff back into their tubs/suitcases. The last week in Mexico, I was more interested in fitting as much as I could into those suitcases. Usually, I try to be organized about it, but I wasn't then. My main concern was: will the zippers still close?

I kinda got organized at the Briles, and right now, my stuff is all over their guest room, which I do not approve of! I like to keep everything nice and tidy, as if you could walk into the room at any moment. I don't think I even made my bed today, which is completely unlike me.

It goes with me feeling out of whack for being unorganized. And for not being on a regular kind of schedule. But I'll get home this weekend and work toward putting organization to this mess of mine.

A friend suggested this as the title of my blog, and I promised I'd use it as a title sometime. Considering I have almost all I have here with me, I guess I'm living in Oklahoma for a week, and I lived in Texas the week beforehand... and Mexico the week before that...St. Louis comes next week!

(Boy, did it feel good to write that)

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