Saturday, October 4, 2008


Altotonga, Mexico -- My "kids" called me a watermelon this afternoon. We had gone out to a basketball court instead of having our meeting inside and it was chilly. So, as we were running around my cheeks got nice and red. So, they talked about the green and then the white line and then the red-- and said my eyes were the green, my face the white, and the reddness, well- the red.

Of course, I've also been called other kind of food here. I suppose while Japanese and maybe Asians in general use nature as comparisons, the Mexican kids here use food for comparison.

This week has been interesting-- I've spent a lot of time in counseling and ministering to kids, have made 2 trips to another city to work on a new visa, had an aquiantance ask for prices on stuff I'll be selling, made a leader upset for asking him to make a decision that leaders make, had a debate with a kid on "Does God exist" and "How was Jesus fully God and fully man", and met a lot of new people. It's just been a really interesting week-- I've been praying that God will provide more and more opportunities to minister and to help me, step by step, to prepare these kids to rise up.

This afternoon, as I mentioned, I left a sign on the door saying where we were, and then carrying sodas and a basketball and soccer ball, we went around and invited kids we knew to go play basketball and soccer with us and we had our typical meeting there after running around like crazy. We are trying new things to reach new kids and get out of the habit of being inside "four walls".

Tomorrow the leaders will meet to discuss today and make it better for next weekend (because it was pretty cool) and we'll continue discussing the transition of me stepping down and them stepping up, and have our prayer time and course on evangelism, which I have things in mind for them, HA HA HA (evil laugh there, :).

I am excited for that. Please pray for these teens-- for a lot of encouragement for them.

Also, if you would be praying for me about finances after I lost that money and-- in 2 weeks at the latest, I believe, I'll be buying my tickets for Japan!!! :) Yay!

Alright, I need to finish preparing for tomorrow!

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