Sunday, April 6, 2008

First Two Weeks

April 6, 2008Altotonga, Mexico -- Ay-yi-yi. Wow. It's been kinda fun these last two weeks, but really tiring as well, being in charge. I remember the first time I got behind the wheel of a car, and I exclaimed, "Wow, it's like you feel everything!"

It is! When you're on the passenger side, you do notice things, and you're aware of what's going on. But, when you get behind the wheel, it's a whole new level of awareness. You're suddenly aware of all the little noises that are going on under the hood and where other cars are and how they are going and you're a whole lot more responsible than you were in the passenger seat. That's how I feel now. It's like wow. So, I've been praying A LOT that God would direct me and give me wisdom for all the various things going on. I feel like I'm moving where and how God wants me to move, but wow-- it's a new and exciting adventure. I've been relishing more in my times of prayer. I believe it was Katherine Koolman who used to pray desperately for the Holy Spirit to be with her during her meetings and not to leave her. That's always stuck with me. It's the feeling of, OH, Lord! I need you!

Tonight, we change times-- Daylight savings. Yeah, we're a few weeks behind ya'll. Tomorrow, we're going to have a get-together with the families of the youth who went to Oaxaca, and we'll show the videos and slideshow and talk about the trip and how it impacted lives. Tonight we had same kinda thing for the youth at the club.Yesterday, we did a typical tradition-- we went to a youth's house to wish her a happy birthday at 5am. She lives out in a rancho called Champilico. So, we went there to throw fireworks and then have tea and cookies for breakfast with her and her family. When we went there, there was a most incredible sight. Being out where there were very, very few lights, we had the luck of there being a very clear night. There must have been at least 3000 stars. Now, I love to go on my rooftop on a clear, nice night and look at the stars... and I remember the coolest night sky I've ever seen up to this point was in Peru (and that was a spectacular sight, I still remember it vividly). I think Peru was because it's a whole new set of stars-- being in the southern hemisphere. But this was truly amazing. I've NEVER seen so many stars. Some closer, some far away. But thousands of stars-- not hundreds-- thousands! I wish I could download the pic in my mind's eye onto the computer, but alas...

That day, I had to go find a glass place to get new slats for the book holder thing that we have at the club. While going through the books on Thursday right before closing, I discovered apparently someone had broken 2 of them. So, I had been looking for a while on Friday for a glass place... I knew I had seen places, but I couldn't remember where... and I felt kinda dumb carrying a glass slat (had to have a model) around town, but I've done weirder things around here. Anyway, I finally remembered one place and got that taken care of. It was a cheap fix. Well, it's like a quarter till 1, and I've got a cold and it's been a tiring week. I'm hoping the weather will be nice tomorrow so I can get some laundry done... but I may end up putting that off until Monday. I don't have much time tomorrow.

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