Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Someone called me Senora....

Being sent out today:

First married newsletter!  Forgive the fogginess of my brain lately…
The last few months have been full of… Change!  Being back in the US of A… being in California, which is unlike the Midwest, where I come from… being married!  Working….

Anyway, as a brief update of life:

-Japan- YES! Please see newsletter! J  If you aren’t a subscriber to our newsletters, please email me at Janine 233 at yahoo dot com.  I’ll be sure to send you one!

-Marriage- Good.  I like being together with my best friend, studying the Word together, doing ministry together, being a helper.  Good.

-Work- Currently working an Appraisal Management Company.  I started making introductory calls to those getting appraisals done… introducing the company and setting up everything for the appraisal to get done.  Now, I’m working in Support, which I enjoy better than the intro calls.  It’s a great job, with good hours and benefits and a lot of fellow church members.  It’s a great (getting tired of that adjective) atmosphere… definitely a blessing!

On THAT news front… Cool Story!  So, about 2 weeks ago, Vicente took his mom to the store.  As he was waiting for her, he ran into a friend. His friend asked casually about his work, to which Vicente replied that his company did not seem to be doing too well.  To this point, Vicente has been a welder at a windows and doors company.  His friend offered to see what he could do at his company.  A couple days later, Vicente got a call and set up an interview.  On the day of his interview, his company called a meeting and announced officially that they were closing down that location.  Two weeks later, Vicente is starting a new job as a driver for a contract company.  He gets to drive cars all day to dealerships and auction houses.  He enjoys his job (who wouldn’t when you get to drive Mercedes and Infinitis!)… and again, what a timely blessing!  Just a reminder, God is taking care of us.

Between Vicente and I, we have one car.  It makes more sense that he use the car for work.  My job is only 3 miles away.  For a while, there was a lady at our work who would pick me up in the mornings from a nearby stop … However, my boss noticed that I was car-less.  Her husband also, by choice, walks in the mornings to his job.  So, they talked about it, and offered me their car for use during the week!! This came just at the time that my friend at work let us know she had been offered another position at a new company.  So! I still walk Monday mornings, but how thankful am I that God has provided even the small things we need.

Citizenship: Sent. Waiting.  Approx. 5-6 months? Don’t know.

Pets: none.

Break Free: Some updates in the newsletter which I will skip here.  But also: we have a few outreaches coming up.  One in Napa the first weekend of October; another with Dale Pugh and Christoph Zurcher later in October…. Other than that, our weekly outreaches, including a new one starting at a nearby university, I believe… more on that later.
Alrighty, tis all for now.  Will try to be more frequent in blogs and stories.

Grateful for all you people.  Seriously.

Friday, May 18, 2012

You Know Me...
Check this video out...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was with God in the beginning.  Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:1-3

From the beginning, Jesus was.  Through Him all things were created...
And with Him,  a Perfect God who knows me better than I know myself, I get to have a relationship...

Saturday, February 18, 2012


So, after a very busy week and some sad goodbyes (even though it's just for a few months, there were sad faces), I boarded a bus to Narita Airport and then travelled to Seoul and to Cebu, Philippines.

Within my first hour or so of arrival, I had many thoughts... the first of which being:

Todo, we're not in Japan anymore...

The night before I left Japan, it was snowing.  When I arrived in Cebu at 11:30pm, it was 75.

That morning, I digitally controlled the water temperature for my shower.  When I arrived, I took a bucket bath.

I was used to the sound of trains, here there is the sound of roosters.

But, it's good to see many old friends... I'm sure it will be an awesome conference!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Waaa!  Lots of stuff has been accomplished in this week!  Including: paying my taxes... which only took going to 3 locations to accomplish.

It was a really good week though.  It started off on Sunday-- I gave the message at my last Fuse for this year.  I shared about what God was teaching me shortly before meeting Vicente and the process that He brought me through.  It was Valentines Day (and my last Sunday, which I already mentioned), so it made sense to kinda talk about my next steps. 

Anyway, I got a lot of really good feedback from people and Mark said it was probably one of the best messages that I've ever done.  I was like, wow!  But, hey, the Word of God that He puts into our life is powerful.

At Fuse they gave me flowers and prayed for blessings over Vicente and I.  I didn't even cry.

What else... oh yeah, did taxes.  Finished up work for this week (including leaving work and semi-lesson plans for people).  My students gave me lots of notes, some of them rather hilarious.  But yeah, it was really nice.

This will be a very bittersweet weekend.  I'm looking forward to the conference and later to seeing my fiance, but it is sad to leave my friends and Japanese family. I've learned a lot-- grown a lot in these 2 years.  I think it's been the biggest period of growth in faith and leadership in my life. 

Looking forward to married life.  The best is yet to come... and we will be excited to be back home in Japan.  :)

PS: Enjoy this:

PS- Pictures (apart from this one right here) are courtesy of Abigail Lafleur-Shaffer.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Blog update coming soon. 
I promise.

Just so you know what's on my to-do list for tomorrow (my day off):

-File taxes in Japan (last year, there was the big earthquake on the day I did this)
-Buy bus ticket
-Finish Sunday's message
-Talk with my handsome, amazing, wonderful fiance
-Do laundry
-Write on blog

I think that about takes care of the day.

Coming soon.  (PS if it [the blog] doesn't make it on Thursday, it will be finished on Friday!)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Well well... One month since I've written.  I will have you know that it is on my official list of resolutions to be a better blogger this year.  I'd like to think I'm setting the standard high... ministry is busy.  Life in Japan is fast-forward speed.  Planning a wedding is insane.

But... I do love ya all.  (here's the point where I wonder if anyone is listening to me...?)

This month.. Well, the last 6-8 weeks seem to have been one meeting after another.  A lot of informal outreach (which has been awesome)... and a lot of meetings with people I'm training to take over roles that I've played in Fuse... as well as my regular responsibilities/meetings/work schedule, arranging everything to be organized for myself when I head back to the States, a move to the church/mission base (not our church; another couple will be staying in my apartment for the time I'm gone-- I let them move in early so they can settle in)... sharing a room with another missionary girl... (OH... and the wedding!)

I'm trying to make the most of my time that I have here before I head back to become a "we". 

But, I definitely feel that God has set this all up.  Interesting that last month, there were 5 people who came.  3 people are gifted in the areas that I've been working in: life group leader, admin overseer and in design (the 3rd person- Andy, is a graphic designer.  He's professional... so I don't have to teach him anything-- rather he can teach me!)...

It's been cool to work in the area of trainer-- teaching "how to", being a mentor, handing over responsibilities... and overall-- as the missionary who has been here the longest so far (apart from our leaders)-- I've had the opportunity in informal settings to share vision, how to, practical ministry in the Japanese context, etc.  It's been cool to be in that function.

But anyhow... I want to write a quick report on a conversation I had last week with a guy we've known for maybe over a year-- but we are still waiting to see God "take the blinder off"...

I'm going to copy and paste from an email-- because I'm too tired to write it all out again... :X 

"...this evening we had an awesome dinner outreach, with around 10-12 non-Christian new friends who joined. I personally got the opportunity to share the Gospel in a way that really connected with a friend who came. Though he seems to have been staunchly against the Gospel, I think it struck a chord tonight... His demeanor definitely changed. We'll see what the coming weeks bring! :D I'm pretty excited about that."

One of the first things he said in a conversation I was standing in on was, "I don't need Jesus."  We talked for it awhile; Christine, the mission head here, sharing why she did.  She got called away... and he turned around and looked at me with the most sincere look-- "Why did you become a Christian?"  Like the email said, what I shared (about going to church and not understanding for a good 6 months what people were talking about) really connected with him.  But I said that God had changed my heart and made me understand.  He could experience that too with God. 

I think he is really opening up to the Gospel!  THAT is exciting!  After everyone left, Tim (Christine's husband, the mission head also) said that he noticed that the young guy looked a lot lighter as he left-- different.

So, be praying!  And I'ma head to bed!  :)