I'll get to that in a minute.
Friday, we went to Machida to do street outreach in the evening like we usually do. Before we could even get started though, we were stopped by the police which often happens. So, we went to another place and decided it wasn't going to be a good location, so we headed to Sagamiono.
At Sagamiono, we had lots of opportunities to talk to people. I approached one girl and then realized that she was on the phone, but I gave her a flyer anyway and stood a couple of feet away so that when she got off the phone, I could talk to her. She told the person on the phone that she had just received a flyer, and then she looks at the special note we have stapled to it that says- special performance for Sakura Easter Sunday by MIS, Airi Shigemizu....
She goes-- Ah! Airi-chan!
I said, yeah! You know her?
She says in the phone-- Airi-chan! I just saw a picture of you!
She was talking on the phone with Airi-- who happens to be in my lifegroup. The girl ended up coming on Sunday and we were able to have more good conversation, and I hope to see her again! And as for Airi, that night she sent me a message asking if it was too late because she wanted to get baptized also on Saturday. I was like, no! Not too late! :)
At the beginning of the week, we had one confirmed person that wanted to get baptized. By the end of the week, we baptized 4 girls in the ocean on a cold, rainy, very windy day. So windy, in fact, that two of my umbrellas blew inside out and completely broke. (to the right, our 4 girls getting baptized, XiPei, Kaori, Airi and Manami)
But that couldn't steal our joy! It was an awesome day, despite the horizontal falling rain, as we ran out into the ocean hand-in-hand, baptized these girls, hugged, and then ran back and laid hands on each one and prayed for them.
Easter Sunday saw many people attend FUSE for the first time, and many get to hear about Jesus likely for the first time. What an awesome day to have that opportunity on! Our friend Airi gave a special performance. Below is a video of the last song in which she was accompanied by Yuiko. The song is called Anata no Ai wa (Your Love is...) and talks about the greatness of God's love. Totally beautiful! Enjoy!