Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Missions in Japan

Support Promo from Fuse Jesus Community on Vimeo.

Here's the video we made about FJC!  Please check it out and share!

Nothing Is Impossible

I've had this song stuck in my head in both Japanese and English the last few weeks.  Our FJC band is awesome!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Earthquake Update

Dear friends,  I thank you for your many emails and notes of concern and prayer.  We here in Japan are thankful for that, and to know that you stand with us as we can only lift this up to God.

Where we were, no real damage was done.  We were badly shaken, as was shown in the video below.  A few things fell in my apartment.  In the last couple of days, the train systems have slowly been being brought back tomorrow and I am told that tomorrow area by area, power will be shut off for 3 hours.  For what reason, I don't know.  Also, there's no bread in any of the stores-- as I'm guess Tokyo's providers are stuck or were based up north.  Department stores have been closed, and upper floors of some stores in the area taped off.  I imagine their products all came crashing down.

The aftershocks are numerous.  There have been hundreds and I feel like I've been on a boat for days.  Even now, my lamp is slightly rocking to and fro.  I've taken precautions and keep things like my computer and printer on the floor, in case of larger aftershocks.

But these things are nothing compared to the horrors of northern Japan.  I can't stand to watch much of the videos about it.  Reports are saying that the death tolls will likely be above 10,000 in one state alone.  And when you consider that only 0.5% of them knew Jesus...

Please pray for those who are still missing, for the rescue operations going on-- that they can quickly locate those who are still alive and trapped.  I read about one man who was found 9 MILES off shore-- clinging to the roof of his house.  9 MILES.  Please pray for Jesus' message of what He's done to capture and soothe the hearts of those who, as I write, are passing a cold night without food or shelter, having watched their worlds fall apart and be swept away with the sea.  Jesus wants to be with them tonight, but they need to hear.

Please also pray for the nuclear power plants to stabilize.  I have no idea what will be the results if they cannot.  One has already exploded and some have radiation poisoning.

And in this moment, take the opportunity to really consider your life as well.  You never know when such an thing may occur.  The day of the earthquake, I spent hours in a government building, filing taxes and getting my re-entry visa to Japan, as I plan to make a visit home this week, actually.  Everything should be fine for the flight, and things are on schedule as originally planned.

But, obviously, experiencing a historical earthquake was not in my plans for that day.  But while we were fine and God protected us, you never know when something will happen.  So, consider your life and what are your priorities in life.  Where are you with God, and were something to happen to those you love around you, don't leave room for regrets of not having shared with the eternal security that they can find only in Christ.

We cannot guarantee tomorrow for ourselves, nor the rest of today.  So, leave no room for regrets in your relationships, fix and mend and love liberally.  Love those around you who you don't know because you don't know when it's their last moment either. 

Thank you for your prayers for Japan.  Keep praying for us.
See many of you soon.  :)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Us in the earthquake


Here is a video of us experiencing the first earthquake.

Please be praying for Japan!!

Pray that in these traumatic, shaking experiences that their hearts will turn to God!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Why not Japan??

Ty showed me this vid on Youtube... Check it out!

Still kickin'

Horrible, horrible!

I know.  I probably don't deserve to live. 

But, it's been SOOOO crazy in the last few weeks.  I know, I know, it's been busy for you too. 

But, let me tell you.  Let's see... I moved... on a rainy, windy... turned snowy day.  Not exaggerating.  I went to work from moving that same day. I went to school in general.  I fnished school and got my certificate from completing the intermediate level of Japanese!  I set up a new apartment, got things like electricity, gas, water and internet turned on.  I went to government offices a number of times (by myself), trying to get documents for moving to another city and getting paperwork to file my taxes.

In fact, today I spent another hour in the gov't building doing just that.  And today, I walked out with something in my hands...a LOT of something intimidating in my hands...

Oh, I also got my taxes info ready for next year-- stateside, anyhow.

Hmm... I figured out a new area... registered at the post office, by myself.

I keep saying "by myself", not because I "had" to do it by myself (though somethings I did), but I say it because I'm proud of the fact that I can go to official places and get things accomplished in another language that is not English or Spanish.

Oh!  Oh!  I'm working on an awesome video too that will be used in the US of A.

Yeah, so I am REALLY sorry that I haven't posted. 

BUT, I will get to see you soon!

PS- awesome news!  Manami's gettin' baptized in April!  Woo-hoo!